Psoriatic Arthritis Treatments

Learn about all the different medications, therapies and methods used to treat psoriatic arthritis. 

Psoriatic Arthritis Treatments
1. Psoriatic Arthritis Treatments
Managing psoriatic arthritis can be a unique challenge as it requires the treatment of psoriasis and arthritis. Starting the right treatment plan as soon as possible is key to slowing disease activity and preserving your quality of life. Working with your doctors, you’ll focus on halting inflammation, tackling pain, protecting your skin and nails, and making healthy choices that will help you achieve and stay in remission.
2. Halt Inflammation
The severity of skin and joint symptoms helps your doctors choose the best mix of medications for you. The most effective medicines for inflammation are available by prescription only. You’ll likely use corticosteroids and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) that include a subset called biologics. Early aggressive treatment is vital for halting inflammation and preventing joint damage.
3. Heal Your Skin
Your dermatologist will recommend over-the-counter and prescription pills and topicals (creams, ointments, shampoos or sprays) for psoriasis. Some of the same medicines used to treat joint inflammation will also work for skin plaques.
4. Light Therapy
Exposure to special ultraviolet light in a doctor’s office or at home using your doctor’s instructions can also alleviate psoriasis. Natural sunlight can help too, but ask your dermatologist how to reap the benefits yet prevent sunburn, which can trigger flares.
5. Tackle Pain
Psoriatic arthritis commonly affects the back, fingers, toes, hips, knees, back of the heel and sole of the foot. The pain may be eased with over-the counter (OTC) pain relievers and NSAIDs (anti-inflammatories), but if needed, your doctor may give you a prescription. Talk to your doctor before taking OTCs to ensure they don’t interact with other medicines.
6. Care for Your Nails
Your doctor may prescribe oral or topical medicines, and sometimes an injection, to treat nail changes. Although nail changes are often the result of psoriasis itself, as many as one-third of people with psoriasis actually have a fungal infection. The problems may look similar, but treatment is different. Your doctor can determine the root of nail problems with a biopsy of nail tissue.
7. Practice Self-Care
Medical management of psoriatic arthritis is important for reducing inflammation and preventing joint and skin damage. But there are many things you can do for yourself to ease your pain and make your life with PsA better. Read 10 PsA self-care tips.
8. Take Charge of Your Disease
Having a good health care team and the right mix of medications and lifestyle habits can help you take charge of your disease and maintain a good quality of life. Make a conscious decision to have a positive attitude and take things one day at a time.

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